I’ve been putting off writing about my experience with django form wizard for some time now. I came across this blog post by Kenneth Love which finally compelled me to write this down.
About Django Form Wizard:
Form Wizard can be handy when you have a huge form, and you want to make it less intimidating to the user by splitting it into multiple steps.
If you have glued multiple forms together with sessions
or whatnot and it
turned out to be a mess, you now what I’m talking about :)
Think surveys, checkouts, lengthy registrations etc.
The class WizardView
implements most of functionality while subclasses
, CookieWizardView
etc. specify which backend to use.
Typically, the view takes a list of forms and presents them one by one.
After each step, the form is validated and the raw form data is saved in the backend
(session or cookie for POST data and file_storage
for files). After the last step,
each form is filled with raw data from the backend and validated again.
The list of fully-filled up form instances is then passed to the done
where the forms can be processed.
I guess the key bit of info here is: Nothing is written to the database until all the steps are completed and the forms are saved manually.
I know that feel:
I’m not a fan of putting more stuff than necessary in urls
either, and I think
this can be easily remedied the way Kenneth wants it.
For example, to specify forms_list
and url_name
in the views
instead of urls
one could do:
from holygrail.forms import NameForm, QuestForm, ColorForm
class MerlinWizard(NamedUrlSessionWizardView):
def as_view(cls, *args, **kwargs):
'form_list': [
'url_name': 'merlin_wizard'
return super(MerlinWizard, cls).as_view(*args, **kwargs)
and voilà, you no longer need to pass any args to MerlinWizard
I think modelforms/formsets are perfectly fine for usage in the form wizard, although, you’ll need to dive into a few details:
Save a modelform:
We can use the process_step
method here. This methods takes the form instance
and returns the data to be saved in the storage for the current step. By default,
it returns the raw form data.
def process_step(self, form):
you can save the form here,
since it's guaranteed to be valid
if self.steps.current == '2':
instance = form.save()
return super(MerlinWizard, self).process_step(form)
If you need to pass around the instance to another step, you can add it to the step’s storage data e.g:
Let’s say we need to save a model in step 2 and create a formset based on its instance in step 3:
def process_step(self, form):
you can save the current form here,
since it's guaranteed to be valid
step_data = super(MerlinWizard, self).process_step(form).copy()
if self.steps.current == '2':
instance = form.save()
step_data['instance_pk'] = instance.pk
return step_data
then you can retrieve the instance_pk
like this:
def get_form_kwargs(self, step=None):
in step 3, use the instance from step 2
as a kwarg to the formset
kwargs = super(MerlinWizard, self).get_form_kwargs(step=step)
if step == '3':
step_data = self.storage.get_step_data('2')
instance_pk = step_data['instance_pk']
instance = MyModel.objects.get(pk=instance_pk)
'instance': instance
return kwargs
I agree with Kenneth that storages should just work™ like they work with forms/modelforms.
But, it’s handy when you want to keep the wizard media away for the rest of the user media.
One workaround is to just set the file storage to the default storage engine:
from django.core.files.storage import default_storage
class MerlinWizard(NamedUrlSessionWizardView):
file_storage = default_storage
Are we done
, yet?:
You can handle all the forms you want to save to the database in done
AFAIK, there’s no need to do:
del self.request.session["wizard_key_here"]
The wizard cleans up both when it’s started and when it’s done
Also, relying on request.session
breaks the storage abstraction,
so you’re better off using self.storage
if your really want to mess with the storage.
This way, you can switch to a different wizard backend without worrying too much.
Having spent a good deal of time with the form wizard over the past few weeks, I feel that form wizard does a very good job at handling the use case it was designed for.
Even though the documentation is not perfect, the implementation is clear, concise and flexible enough to handle a variety of scenarios.
Thank you for reading the Agiliq blog. This article was written by Javed on Nov 7, 2012 in forms .
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